PuMP Blueprint Workshop Online 2024-06 Welcome
Details for our Online 4-Half-Day Relaxed PuMP Workshop, June 2024
I am genuinely very excited that you’re joining this PuMP Performance Measure Blueprint Workshop!
This workshop is such an engaging and practical way to learn the step by step blueprint to measure what matters so you can truly improve the performance of your business organisation.
Expect to have fun, to learn heaps, and to finish up feeling excited and equipped to make a huge difference in your company or organisation. Performance measurement is at the heart of high performance, and you’re one of the performance leaders the world so very much needs.
Your receipt and confirmation of registration
If you registered online, check your email inbox now for your receipt for payment – if you have any trouble finding it (check your spam folders too), then contact us at [email protected] and we will reissue it to you.
If you are based in Australia, note that this email contains all the information required to be your tax invoice.
If you registered offline, you will receive your receipt for payment after your payment has been received and processed. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected].
Now, below you’ll find some handy information about the online workshop, so you may like to print this page for reference.
Meet your workshop presenter, Mark Hocknell
Mark Hocknell is my lead PuMP Partner on planet Earth, and has been facilitating, coaching and teaching PuMP for our clients for about 10 years now.
Mark leads all our public and in-house PuMP Blueprint Workshops in Australia, New Zealand and Asia-Pacific.
Mark has a very encouraging, collaborative and insightful presentation style – whether he’s presenting in-person or online. Additionally, his past experience as a manager struggling with performance measurement gives him a unique empathy for how we commonly struggle with it too.
Mark’s passion for PuMP is contagious, and his knowledge is deep. I know you’ll really enjoy learning with him.
Listen to our pre-workshop warm-up message
If you haven’t already, make sure you allocate 30 minutes to listen to my pre-workshop warmup message, where I share some tips with you for preparing for the workshop and getting the most out of it.
Here’s where to go to listen online, or download the recording and the transcript (if you prefer to read): www.staceybarr.com/products/pumpblueprintworkshop/warmup
Dates and times for the online workshop
This online workshop is scheduled in a relaxed style, with extra time between sessions to reflect and practice, over the following four days:
- Wednesday 12th June, 8am – 1pm AWST / 10am – 3pm AEST / 12pm – 5pm NZST
- Thursday 13th June, 8am – 1pm AWST / 10am – 3pm AEST / 12pm – 5pm NZST
- Monday 17th June, 8am – 1pm AWST / 10am – 3pm AEST / 12pm – 5pm NZST
- Tuesday 18th June, 8am – 1pm AWST / 10am – 3pm AEST / 12pm – 5pm NZST
Our online location for the workshop
We will use Zoom for this workshop. So you can join the workshop from anywhere on the planet where you have a reliable internet connection, and a computer. However, we don’t recommend joining on your phone or small tablet, as those screens will be way too small for most of the content you’ll be seeing and interacting with.
To join the workshop simply click on the appropriate link for the day, as listed below:
Wednesday 12 June
- PMBW Day 1 – 8am – 1pm AWST / 10am – 3pm AEST / 12pm – 5pm NZST
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83107350140?pwd=cXZrbUZ5bHhSVGVyeVVnemJoQjVMQT09
- Meeting ID: 831 0735 0140
- Passcode: 271315
Thursday 13 June
- PMBW Day 2 – 8am – 1pm AWST / 10am – 3pm AEST / 12pm – 5pm NZST
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88657800274?pwd=MDh4UnZ4bytzUnc3b2hBUHN0eGpTZz09
- Meeting ID: 886 5780 0274
- Passcode: 591867
Monday 17 June
- PMBW Day 3 – 8am – 1pm AWST / 10am – 3pm AEST / 12pm – 5pm NZST
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88671715803?pwd=blhQQVUxME9xK1JBUHBzYmVjNVlEdz09
- Meeting ID: 886 7171 5803
- Passcode: 424229
Tuesday 18 June
- PMBW Day 4 – 8am – 1pm AWST / 10am – 3pm AEST / 12pm – 5pm NZST
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87644436040?pwd=a25Rb1FZZk5CLzFIWUxVRWFkK2FiUT09
- Meeting ID: 876 4443 6040
- Passcode: 496881
Dress code for the workshop
Okay, just being funny here. You can wear your PJs, a swimsuit, or a panda costume if you want – entirely up to you what you feel most comfortable learning in 😉
That said, if you choose to join with video (which is optional), you might want to give a little thought to what you wear!
What to have with you
The Performance Measure Blueprint Workshop is very practical and interactive, so you will get more value from it if you have a few things with you, to refer to and to work on:
- We’ll be posting you a training workbook (including all the slides plus loads more tips and examples) and a case study. Make sure to have this with you!
- Your organisation’s or team’s strategic or operational or business plan (or whatever you call it) – where you have written your goals, objectives and targets for the coming year(s).
- Your existing performance measures or KPIs – either a list of them, their definitions, or graphs or tables of their current and historic results.
- Your current performance report – the document you use to report progress against your goals, objectives and initiatives.
The workshop program
We don’t provide you with a time schedule for the 4 half-days, because our presenters adjust the flow and timing based on each group’s specific needs. Suffice to say, the overall flow follows the 8 Steps of PuMP in order. The amount of time spent on each step, and the amount of practice and coaching, again is tailored to each specific group.
That said, here is the flow you’ll move through over the 4 half-days:
Performance measurement is a process, not an event.
We discuss the problems with performance measurement and how to solve them by thinking about performance measurement as a process.
STEP 1: Understanding Measurement’s Purpose
Fixing the focus firmly on continuous improvement as the purpose for measurement.
We start with the PuMP® Diagnostic to help your Measures Team understand what good measurement means, and how to do it properly to avoid the most common struggles and problems.
STEP 2: Mapping Measurable Results
Translating our strategy into clear, focused and measurable performance results.
We explore why it’s so hard to measure the right things, how to test if a strategy (i.e. your goals, objectives or priorities) is measurable enough and fix it using the PuMP® Measurability Tests, and how the PuMP® Results Mapping technique makes strategy easier to understand and measure.
STEP 3: Designing Meaningful Measures Choosing the most feasible and relevant measures that evidence our performance results.
We review the traditional approaches people take to selecting measures and why they fail, and then see how the PuMP® Measure Design technique produces measures that are meaningful, relevant, cost-effective and easy for people to buy-in to.
STEP 4: Building Buy-in to Measures
Getting ownership from our stakeholders, quickly, easily and engagingly.
There are some very specific reasons why people don’t buy in to performance measures which we will explore, and we’ll see how the PuMP® Measure Gallery technique can build buy-in and generate excitement for performance measurement.
STEP 5: Implementing Measures
Documenting in detail the data, analysis and reporting requirements for each of our measures.
We talk about the causes behind why so many measures are never brought to life (i.e. never get reported or used) and how the PuMP® Measure Definition technique is so useful for specifying exactly how each measure should be implemented.
STEP 6: Interpreting Signals from Measures
Focusing ourselves on gaps between as-is and should-be performance.
It’s so easy to misinterpret performance measure signals, and frighteningly, most people do. So we’ll follow the PuMP® Measure Interpretation technique to make interpretation of performance measures easier, valid and incredibly insightful.
STEP 7: Reporting Performance Measures
Creating useful and usable performance reports that inspire us to action.
We’ll look at why typical performance reports are next to useless, and discover how the PuMP® Report Design technique quickly and easily produces performance reports that answer the 3 questions every performance report should answer.
STEP 8: Reaching Performance Targets
Improving our business processes to move as-is performance toward should-be.
The role of performance measures is to improve performance more easily, quickly and economically. The PuMP® Using Measures technique shows how to use performance measures to get the highest leverage improvements.
Preparing for a successful PuMP® implementation.
We’ll close the 3rd day of the workshop by focusing on how to start implementing PuMP® to choose, create and use your first meaningful performance measures, in a way that brings quick success.
If you have questions, contact Debbie Brown, Event Manager Extraordinaire
Debbie is our Event Manager, and superstar at taking 5-star care of our customers. If you have any questions about the workshop, just contact Debbie at: [email protected]
Mark’s looking forward to meeting you!
And I’m looking forward to hearing how it goes for you! In the meantime, if you have any questions or a curiosity you need sufficed about the workshop, please just send an email or give me a call.
I hope you’re looking forward to learning the simple, powerful steps to finally create the most meaningful performance measures to achieve your goals this year (and beyond)!
Stacey Barr
the Performance Measure Specialist
Connect with Stacey
Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Want more information? Fill out the form below and I’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

167 Eagle Street,
Brisbane Qld 4000,

ACN: 129953635
Director: Stacey Barr
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