How to confirm your registration…

Very shortly you’ll get an email from me with instructions for completing your registration for the “The 10 Secrets to KPI Success” report and video course, and your subscription to Measure Up.

STEP 1: Check now for your confirmation email.

Check your email, and look for one with the subject line:

“[Your name], confirm your subscription to Measure Up!”

‘Your name’ will be the name you signed up with. It may take 5 minutes or so before the email reaches you.

STEP 2: Open the email, click the confirmation link.

Open the email and click on the confirmation button or link.

This link will confirm your subscription. Confirmation is a necessary step to ensure that no-one else can subscribe you without your permission.

You must confirm your subscription to Measure Up before you’ll be successfully registered for the free course “The 10 Secrets to KPI Success”. (You will be able to cancel your subscription anytime.)

No luck? Make sure your confirmation email can reach you.

Don’t let your spam filter stop the email from reaching you! Here’s what to do:

  • Add our email addresses to your Outlook Contacts or other email contacts system: [email protected], [email protected].
  • Add to your white list or safe senders list.

If you still don’t get the confirmation email, it might be because you typed a mistake in your email address when you signed up. Try signing up again and seek help from your IT support if you get stuck.

You won’t get access to “The 10 Secrets to KPI Success” until you confirm.

Check your inbox now for your confirmation email.

If you still have trouble, email my support team and we’ll do our best to help you: [email protected].

Please note that in order to protect your email privacy, we cannot confirm your subscription on your behalf.

I know: it can be frustrating if you have to go through all this, but you don’t want to miss out on this unique KPI course and the great performance measurement tips I have for you.

Smiles, Stacey.

Connect with Stacey

Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Want more information? Fill out the form below and I’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

*We respect your email privacy.
Suite 117 Level 14,
167 Eagle Street,
Brisbane Qld 4000,
Stacey Barr Pty Ltd
ACN: 129953635
Director: Stacey Barr

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