
Performance Measurement and KPI Books by Stacey Barr

Stacey Barr’s entire career has focused on organisational performance measurement and KPIs, evidence-based leadership, and building performance cultures. Her style is uniquely practical, her ideas are logical and insightful, and her writing is engaging and easy to read. Her two books both receive the highest customer ratings on amazon stores for their topic areas.

Prove It! How to Create a High-Performance Culture and Measurable Success

Published by Wiley & Sons.
Currently available in all good book stores.

Prove It! How to create a high-performance culture and measurable success is about the system of evidence-based leadership. Evidence-based leadership is the process of using measurement as the gravity to draw the whole organisation toward the results that matter most.

The book maps out the habits, mindsets and processes that leaders must master to create high-performance organisations, organisations that can measurably demonstrate their impact, demonstrate how well they fulfill their mission and achieve their vision, and make the world better than they found it.

For more detail, and how to order, click here.


Practical Performance Measurement: Using the PuMP Blueprint for Fast, Easy, and Engaging KPIs

Published by The PuMP Press.
Currently available in all amazon stores worldwide.

Practical Performance Measurement offers a very practical “how to” guide to help people in business to build and use a system of useful measures and indicators for tracking all dimensions of performance throughout their organisation.

Armed with the concepts, principles, techniques and tools in this book, which comprise the PuMP Blueprint methodology, readers will be capable of discovering what really causes their business to succeed (and not just financially) and choosing the best responses to attain and sustain greater success.

For bulk orders and any other question you might have, please contact us at [email protected].
For more detail, and how to order, click here.

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Suite 117 Level 14,
167 Eagle Street,
Brisbane Qld 4000,
Stacey Barr Pty Ltd
ACN: 129953635
Director: Stacey Barr

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