The PuMP Blueprint Workshop
The PuMP Blueprint Workshop provides KPI training based on proven how-to techniques to design, align, implement, report and use performance measures to improve performance and reach targets.
“Between Mark’s excellent delivery, the course content itself, and the engagements with the other participants, I have not enjoyed a course as much as my PuMP experience in a long time. Even better, the post-course support, through the PuMP Community is amazing. Often taking your learnings back to a work environment and achieving success is difficult; while PuMP may still be challenging, all my interactions indicate that Stacey and the team want you to succeed, and have set up the training and post training support with that in mind.” — Iain Rowley, Performance and Assurance, Defence
High-performing organisations fulfil their mission, achieve their vision, reach targets that matter, and do this sooner and with less effort. They have a performance culture, of people fully engaged in their contribution to the organisation’s success. Measuring performance, meaningfully, is an essential cornerstone to success.
Our struggles with measuring performance are, surprisingly, universal. They transcend organisation size, industry, sector, and even country. The most common KPI struggles, from our research, are:
- “We can’t find meaningful measures”
- “We don’t have a good implementation approach”
- “Our strategy is too hard to measure”
- “People just won’t buy in to creating and using measures”
So any good KPI training will provide solutions to these common KPI struggles.
Our struggles to meaningfully measure what matters are due to bad KPI habits. These bad KPI habits evolved through the absence of a proper and deliberate performance measurement approach. And unfortunately, they have become common KPI practice. Some are:
- Writing goals with ‘weasel words’ like effective, efficient, sustainable, reliable, quality, etc…
- Using measures to judge people
- Brainstorming KPIs and measures
- Rushing too quickly to fancy dashboards
- Knee-jerk reacting to measure values
- Looking for quick-fixes to hit targets
If you take any KPI training based on these common approaches, you’ll just end up with the same old struggles and more useless measures. Unless you change your approach, your performance culture will remain constrained by those struggles.
We can’t wait until we have a performance culture before we focus on measuring performance. Good performance measurement is what creates a performance culture:
- It starts by replacing fear of judgement with a passion for learning how to lift performance.
- Then, we set clearer goals, measure them meaningfully, at all levels of the organisation.
- Now, we have useful information for evidence-based decisions that improve performance.
- This becomes a natural part of how we work, we reach stretch targets, and we lead our industry.
- We become a high-performance organisation, because what we aim for, we achieve.
To create a performance culture, our bad KPI habits must be unlearned, and replaced. The PuMP Blueprint is the easy, fast and engaging way to replace them.
PuMP is a practical and logical 8-step process to choose, create and use measures to drive high-ROI improvement:
Archimedes said “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world.” The ‘world’ is our mission, vision and goals. The lever is our strategic initiatives. The fulcrum – what makes the leverage possible – is meaningful measurement. And that’s what PuMP does.
The workshop program guides you through the exact steps you’ll follow to implement PuMP back at work. The first two days walk you through the eight steps of PuMP, so you know how to develop great measures. On the third day, you’ll put the first few steps into practice, and head back to work with your measures already drafted.
Your implementation back at work will be supported by:
- A comprehensive reference workbook that will support your implementation back at work.
- A case study demonstrating the full application of the PuMP techniques, to model and inspire.
- All the time-saving templates and tools to use as you involve your colleagues in implementation.
- Free membership in the online PuMP Community, to boost your implementation.
“The stand-out feature of day 3 was the opportunity to apply the process to real-world problems we have in our area of Air Force strategy development & performance measurement. This helped reinforce my learning and also gave me a real-world start I can take back to my work.” – Workshop participant in March 2016, New Zealand
Learning Outcomes | Learning Objectives | Benefits |
Help people become more aware of the struggles they have with performance measurement that are unnecessary and can be fixed with the right approach. | Facilitate a discussion among colleagues about their known struggles with performance measurement, and their causes.
Describe the process of performance measurement and how it solves the common KPI struggles. |
Instead of educating people in KPIs too soon, help them first appreciate why it is worth using better KPI approaches. |
Guide a team of colleagues to focus on continuous improvement as the purpose of performance measurement. | Understand and recognise the difference between poor and good performance measurement practices.
Facilitate a dialogue among colleagues to help them understand proper performance measurement practice. |
Instead of measuring people’s performance, which creates fear, misunderstanding and lack of engagement, reframe measurement as a tool in their hands and not a rod for their backs. |
Translate immeasurable strategic or operational goals into performance result statements that are clear, focused, and measurable. | Understand and recognise the main features of goals that make them difficult or impossible to measure in a meaningful way.
Apply the five Measurability Tests to assess the measurability of any goal, and reword it so that it is clear, specific and measurable. Create a relational map of measurable performance results, to make it easier and more logical to cascade a measurable strategy. |
Instead of wasting time trying to measure goals that are too intangible to measure, save time by first making the goals measurable. |
Choose the most feasible and relevant performance measures for any measurable performance result (or goal). | Understand the limitations of common practices in choosing performance measures, such as brainstorming.
Apply the 5 steps of Measure Design to identify and evaluate potential performance measures for a performance result (goal). |
Instead of brainstorming or buying KPIs that just don’t fit your organisation well enough, design the right measures for your unique organisational context and goals. |
Design and provide opportunities that engage all stakeholders in a set of performance measures to build their buy-in to, and ownership of, those measures. | Understand the common obstacles that prevent or limit people from buying in to performance measures.
Apply the PuMP Measure Gallery technique to make it quicker and easier for all stakeholders to learn about and contribute to a set of performance measures before they are implemented. |
Instead of seeking superficial sign-off from people of a set of KPIs they should use, build their authentic buy-in and ownership. |
Document the data, analysis and reporting details for each performance measure that are required to successfully implement each measure. | Understand the main reasons why performance measures are unable to be implemented cost-effectively, or at all.
Apply the Measure Definition technique to document sufficient detail about each performance measure to implement it. |
Instead of wasting time, money and effort collecting the wrong data in the wrong way to calculate measures, standardise the approach with detailed measure action plans. |
Interpret statistically valid signals of change in performance measures, to focus on and quantify the gaps between as-is and to-be performance levels. | Understand the risks of using the wrong graphical tool to display performance measures.
Interpret the signals of change in performance measures using XmR charts. Create an XmR chart for any performance measure. |
Instead of knee-jerk reacting to invalid month-to-month or current-month-to-target comparisons, use the simplest and most appropriate chart for highlighting valid signals of change in KPI performance. |
Design useful and usable performance reports that facilitate actionable interpretation of performance measure results and their causes. | Understand the problems with common performance report layouts that prevent actionable interpretation of performance measures.
Apply the 5 criteria of Report Design to design performance reports that are useful and usable in deciding on performance-improving actions. |
Instead of buying dashboard apps that focus more on colourful dials and gauges and popular charts than on driving performance improvement, create reports that answer the only 3 questions we should ask of any KPI. |
Use performance measures to guide the improvement of business processes to move as-is performance toward to-be performance. | Understand the concept of high-leverage performance improvement.
Apply a logical approach to Using Measures with any type of business improvement initiative in a way that creates a high return on investment. |
Instead of treating symptoms of poor performance with change initiatives that are chosen before the measures and targets, use measures to help find the root causes of performance problems and fix those. |
Plan a team-based project to select, implement and use performance measures to achieve a goal. | Understand the success factors of implementing a performance measurement project.
Apply the PuMP Pilot technique to design and prepare for the first implementation of PuMP with a team. |
Instead of trying to roll out an organisation-wide performance measurement project all at once, start small and let the engagement and know-how and implementation grow at the right rate for your organisation’s culture. |
PuMP is certified by APMG, the world’s leading accreditation and exam institute for professional certifications. You can read more at the APMG PuMP Certification information page.
When you achieve PuMP Certification, you will receive:
- An official certificate issued by APMG confirming your PuMP Certified status
- An official digital ‘PuMP Certified’ badge to use in your social media profiles, such as LinkedIn
- Validity of your certification lasting 5 years from the date of achieving it
- The option to apply for re-certification before your certification expires
PuMP Certification demonstrates your ability to develop performance measures that are meaningful, aligned to strategy, implemented efficiently and focused on driving performance improvement. This is a powerful capability to include in your resume and give you an edge over other candidates for promotions and new positions.
After completing the workshop, you can choose to apply for PuMP Certification, and take the certification exam. It’s multiple-choice, online, takes less than an hour, and you achieve certification with a 75% score. Taking the exam is a quick, easy and fun way to review what you learned at the workshop and increase the likelihood you’ll apply PuMP successfully at work.
(PuMP Certification is, however, not the same as a PuMP Partner License. We do not endorse any consultant to use PuMP commercially without joining our global licensed PuMP Team. We want clients who have invested in PuMP to have the most professional and expert guidance possible.)
Stacey Barr, the Performance Measure Specialist, is the creator of PuMP.
She has specialised in organisational performance measurement since 1993. Stacey is known for her practicality, approachable presentation style, and innate ability to balance the technical and social sides of performance measurement.
“I cannot speak highly enough of Stacey and her Performance Measure Blueprint. There is a lack of good quality performance measurement training in Australia and I highly recommend Stacey’s training as the best in the business.” — Melinda Varley, Director Business Performance Management, Australian Public Service
Mark Hocknell, Licensed PuMP Partner Asia-Pacific, is your PuMP trainer.
Mark has been applying, facilitating and teaching PuMP since 2007. He specializes in performance measurement and customer centric business. Mark has an open and collaborative style, and is known for his ability to encourage and inspire people to see things in new ways.
“The workshop was brilliantly paced – normally on other full day workshops one can struggle to retain attention whereas at PuMP the pace was a good mix of listen, learn and apply steps, then break cycle.” — Steve Holley MBA BEng, Head of ICT Customer and Business Support, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Stacey’s licensed PuMP Partners in the UK, United States, Canada and Africa also present the PuMP Blueprint Workshop, in or near your part of the world. Registration links for all PuMP Blueprint workshops are below.
For our live in-person PuMP Blueprint Workshops:
The PuMP Blueprint Workshop is a 3-day KPI training. All days start promptly at 9am and will finish by 5pm. Over our 3 days together, we will be working through each step in the PuMP methodology, understanding its purpose, how it works, looking at a case study and giving you time to practice using it to measure your own goals.
We don’t provide you with a time schedule for the 3 days, because our presenters adjust the flow and timing based on each group’s specific needs. Suffice to say, the overall flow follows the 8 Steps of PuMP in order. The amount of time spent on each step, and the amount of practice and coaching, again is tailored to each specific group.
For our live online PuMP Blueprint Workshops:
For our Australian, New Zealand and Asia-Pacific customers, we also offer live online PuMP Blueprint Workshops:
- 5 half-day sessions spread over two weeks, which gives you more time in between sessions to reflect and practice even more
- each session is 4 hours, usually scheduled from 9am – 1pm AEST / 10am – 2pm AEDT / 12pm – 4pm NZDT
- we use Zoom as our online platform, which allows for easy interaction, both one-to-one and also in small groups
These online workshops cover the same material as the traditional in-person workshop. They are supported by the same physical training resources (we post to you). And they include online small-group activities for a nice amount of interaction and connection with your fellow workshop participants. They are presented and facilitated using Zoom.
If you do any kind of work with developing or using performance measures or KPIs, this workshop will give you the toolkit (the Blueprint!) to do it well. The people who get the most value include the following roles:
Executives and other leaders who set the direction and encourage staff to measure and improve the right things.
“Stacey, the workshop that you ran was revelational – truly. As a result, it’s strengthened the focus in our organisation about what matters most.” — Todd MacDougall, CEO, Corcom
Strategic Planning and Performance Measurement Professionals who facilitate the entire process of creating and using meaningful performance measures.
“I cannot tell you how many times I bring people back to your measure design model and see it work time and time again.” — Jerry Stigall, Director, Organization Development, Strategy, & Policy, Douglas County Government
Business Analysts and Reporting Officers who work within specific steps of the performance measurement process, collating and analysing data and presenting performance information in reports.
“The knowledge that I have gained through the workshop has enabled me to grow into my role as a performance measurement champion.” — Fiona Issel, Senior Distribution Design Support Officer, Western Power
Project Managers, Performance Improvement Officers and Consultants who use performance measurement in their day to day client work or improvement projects.
“So far this training has met and exceeded my expectations! I am a program evaluator by training and specialize in data visualization. This process will enhance the work I am doing right now with my clients.” — Veronica Smith, MSEE, Managing Director, data2insight (
Thousands of people have attended a PuMP Blueprint Workshop delivered by Stacey or her PuMP Partners around the world. Over 25% of participants rate the workshop as 10/10 for value, and 89% have rated the overall value as 8 or higher out of 10.
Here are some of the very typical comments that participants provide with their feedback:
“Training was extremely valuable with some powerful light-bulb moments. Very much challenges the status quo perspective. Much appreciated.” — Brisbane, March 2020
“Really useful and applicable to my role currently. Mark took his time to explain things in detail which was good.” — Auckland, February 2020
“Excellent pace, mix of instruction & learning by doing and relevant to real life organisation situations.” — Wellington, November 2019
“In terms of a workshop focused on performance measures and the importance of getting them right, this is the best I have been to. It was interesting, engaging and useful.” — Canberra, May 2019
“Very informative. The whole process was easy to follow especially with the use of templates provided.” — Wellington, August 2018
“We have been battling with the inability to design measures against our organisations goals for sometime. This training has given us an approach to develop these measures…” — Melbourne, May 2018
“The content, format input, working together was great! It’s a very functional course easy to understand and participate in.” — Sydney, February 2017
“Best methodology I’ve come across – simple, thorough, no nonsense.” — Sydney, September 2016
“This is the most structured, comprehensive and practical approach I found relevant for my work.” — Brisbane, March 2015
“The variety of material, case study and examples was engaging. All of my expectations were met and exceeded. Really like the approach and the product- thanks.” — London, December 2014
“Was nearly perfect! 🙂 Pragmatic, structured. We will be using it next week…” — London, December 2013
“You really know your stuff. Theory and practice/tasks hand in hand. Very good examples and templates. You are really engaging.” — Oslo, June 2012
You can be confident we’ll take care of you leading up to and during our live in-person workshops:
- We limit the instructor/participant ratio to ensure you get quality learning and personalised attention.
- Shortly after you register for the workshop, you’ll receive an email detailing how to prepare, what to bring, and also a link to a webpage with all the logistical details for you.
- The 3-day workshop starts promptly at 9am, so we recommend you arrive by 8:45 at the latest, so we can personally welcome you and help you settle in. We’ll be finishing by 5pm on all days.
- The atmosphere is always casual, friendly and interactive.
- You’ll get a little one-on-one coaching from your instructor during the implementation activities.
- Each day we’ll provide you with coffee and tea on arrival, healthy and decadent snacks and a delicious lunch (and we can cater for your dietary requirements).
Following are the fees for PuMP Performance Measure Blueprint Workshops we have in Australia and New Zealand. All amounts are in Australian dollars (AUD) and Australian workshops incur a 10% GST.
1st January 2025 | |
Full Fee: | $3900AUD per person ($4290 with GST) |
Early Bird: | $3200AUD per person ($3520 with GST) |
Group Rate with Early Bird: | $2900AUD per person ($3190 with GST) |
Group Rate after Early Bird: | $3600 per person ($3960 with GST) |
Group bookings are for 2 or more people from the same organisation, in the same booking. We offer the discount because a group booking saves us time and effort. If you don’t register colleagues in the same booking, the group discount therefore no longer applies, and is not retrospective.
For currency conversions, we use A condition of registering for this event is your agreement to the terms & conditions. |
For our Australian, New Zealand and Asia-Pacific customers, we have scheduled the following in-person and online PuMP Blueprint Workshops.
Online, for our Australian, New Zealand and Asia Pacific customers | 5 Half-Days Relaxed 12-13 & 17-19 March, 2025 | Mark Hocknell | REGISTER earlybird ends 7 February |
Online, for our Australian, New Zealand and Asia Pacific customers | 5 Half-Days Relaxed 11-12 & 16-18 June, 2025 | Mark Hocknell | REGISTER earlybird ends 9 May |
If you cannot register online, you can download our offline registration form, fill it out, scan it and email back to us at [email protected].
These workshops are offered by our international team of licensed PuMP Partners. Our Partners may offer different formats for the PuMP Blueprint Workshop to those offered in Australia, and they may have different terms and conditions to ours, since they operate in different countries with different circumstances.
North America, PuMP Online Interactive Adura Strategy |
5 Half-Days Relaxed 24-28 February 2025 | Louise Watson | REGISTER |
Africa, PuMP In-Person, Dubai UAE Provided by BSEA |
3 Full-Days Intensive 4-6 March 2025 | Peter Ndaa | REGISTER |
USA, PuMP Online Interactive Rolter Associates |
5 Half-Days Relaxed 2-3 & 7-9 April 2025 | Brook Rolter | REGISTER earlybird ends 28 February |
Africa, PuMP In-Person, Cape Town SA Provided by BSEA |
3 Full-Days Intensive 7-9 May 2025 | Peter Ndaa | REGISTER |
UK & Europe, PuMP Online Interactive Rubica Analytics |
5 Half-Days Relaxed 12-16 May 2025 | Paul Frith | REGISTER earlybird ends 28 March |
North America, PuMP Online Interactive Adura Strategy |
5 Half-Days Relaxed 2-6 June 2025 | Louise Watson | REGISTER earlybird ends 8 May |
USA, PuMP In-Person, Arlington VA Rolter Associates |
3 Full-Days Intensive 22-24 July 2025 | Brook Rolter | REGISTER earlybird ends 20 June |
TERMS & CONDITIONS for workshops hosted by Stacey Barr Pty Ltd
Our licensed Partners may have different terms and conditions to ours, since they operate in different countries with different circumstances.
GuaranteeIf during the workshop you decide to withdraw from it, and wish to obtain your money-back guarantee, you must do so either at the workshop, or in writing within 2 weeks of your attendance at the workshop. Cancellation PolicyYou may make substitutions at any time prior to the workshop. No substitutions can be accepted after the workshop start. Cancellations and transfers to a future course will incur a $198 service fee per registrant. Registered participants who do not attend the workshop or who cancel less than 2 weeks prior to the workshop either forfeit the workshop fee or can transfer to a subsequent workshop (one transfer only). Program ChangesStacey Barr reserves the right to alter dates and/or times of the workshop if registration criteria are not met or if conditions beyond her control occur. All efforts will be made to contact each registrant if changes occur. If the program is not held for any reason, Stacey’s liability is limited to the workshop fee only. * Early Bird RateTo qualify for the Early Bird rate we must receive your registration and payment on or before the Early Bird dates listed to the right, with the workshop locations. We want to be fair to everyone! Starting 1st January 2025, Early Bird rate and Group Rate discounts can be combined. ** Group BookingsThe group discount is for 2 or more people from the same organisation in the same booking. Starting 1st January 2025, Early Bird rate and Group Rate discounts can be combined. Intellectual PropertyCertification and training in PuMP® is for internal facilitation and personal use only. Any other use of PuMP® requires permission from Stacey Barr. Currency ConverterThe currency converter link provided is for a website that has no relationship whatsoever with Stacey Barr Pty Ltd. It is provided simply for your convenience only and we cannot certify nor be held accountable for its accuracy. |
Do you have any questions?
If you have any questions at all about the PuMP Performance Measure Blueprint Workshop, please email us at [email protected] and we will respond within 2 business days (usually much faster).
Connect with Stacey
Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Want more information? Fill out the form below and I’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

167 Eagle Street,
Brisbane Qld 4000,

ACN: 129953635
Director: Stacey Barr
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