Making Dashboards Useful and Usable, Interview with Stephen Few
by Stacey Barr |Author of “Show Me the Numbers” and “Information Dashboard Design”.
When I found Stephen Few’s book “Information Dashboard Design” I was really impressed, and wanted to share this gem with you. Stephen speaks of dashboard design in our language – the language of people that use dashboards. And armed with his insights and examples, we can help our information technology teams to produce something that works for us!
Listen here:
The recording of this webcast is available as an mp3 download right here:
Right-click this link and select to save to your PC…
And you can download the Dashboard Design Overview document mentioned in the interview here:
Right-click this link and select to save to your PC…
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167 Eagle Street,
Brisbane Qld 4000,

ACN: 129953635
Director: Stacey Barr