The Grammar of a Measurable Goal
March 15, 2022 by Stacey Barr | Leave a Comment
Writing measurable goals doesn't always come naturally, but one grammar formula makes it easier. (more…)
Filed Under: Making Strategy Measurable
Writing measurable goals doesn't always come naturally, but one grammar formula makes it easier. (more…)
Filed Under: Making Strategy Measurable
Admit it - you've either heard or uttered these words when faced with a goal that was intangible or fluffy: "That's not measurable!" (more…)
Language is the key to make intangible goals or objectives measurable. These 5 questions will help you make the language more tangible, and thereby measurable. (more...
Filed Under: Making Strategy Measurable
To make OKRs measurable, and thereby fulfil their promise to measure what matters, we need to solve 5 common problems in writing OKRs. (more…)
Filed Under: Making Strategy Measurable, Performance Measure Frameworks
How we write our goals or objectives has a fundamental effect on how easy it will be to measure, how meaningful the measure will be, and ultimately how likely the goal will be achieved. (more…)
Filed Under: Making Strategy Measurable
There are lots of goals that are really hard to measure. I've written about measuring workforce capability, but another hard-to-measure goal is workforce diversity. Don't expect a list of the best measures, though. The problem lies with what diversity actually means to you...
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Example Measures & KPIs, Making Strategy Measurable
Filed Under: Making Strategy Measurable
Nijntje, or Miffy as she is known in English-speaking countries, is the little rabbit character who is drawn with only a few simple lines and primary colours. Yet she's meaningfully recognisable as a little rabbit. She doesn't need any more detail to be meaningful. But any less detail and she looks incomplete. Goals that are meaningfully measurable are just like Nijntje.
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Meaningful Performance Measures
We want everyone in the organisation to align their results to the organisation's mission, vision and goals. How do you cascade strategy to create alignment? There are two very different ways.
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Aligning, Cascading & Linking, Strategy Execution
Strategy maps, a la the Balanced Scorecard, are the most commonly used visual representation of strategy on a single page. But are they the only way to visualise a measurable strategy? (more…)
Filed Under: Aligning, Cascading & Linking, Making Strategy Measurable
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